Miles To Vietnam Book #6 To Be Released May 2024

I’m pleased to announce that Book #6 of the Miles to Vietnam series will be available in May 2024, the exact date to be announced soon.

In this installment, it’s January 1969, and we find 1LT Jif Miles near the Cambodian border north of Saigon. His unit is part of a joint US/ARVN operation to block the NVA from moving across the border and laying siege to the South Vietnamese capital. But the enemy may be within.

If you’re already on the mailing list, you’ll be notified as soon as Book 6 is available. If you’re not on the mailing list, you can either subscribe on this website or contact me directly via email. You can also click the FOLLOW button on my Amazon author page and never miss a new release!

16 thoughts on “Miles To Vietnam Book #6 To Be Released May 2024”

    1. William Peter Grasso

      I’m glad you’re enjoying them, Frank. I’m keeping them coming, too…Book 6 in the Miles To Vietnam series will be released in the next day or two.
      Stay tuned and thanks for reading,

  1. Greetings William:

    In any of your novels, do you delve into the psychological operations conducted during the Vietnam War? Though I deployed to Vietnam as an Army infantry 2LT, I was assigned to Headquarters of the 4th PSYOP Group. As you may know, there were four battalions supporting the HQers in Saigon. The efforts to win the hearts and minds by soldiers with all these advanced degrees in the middle of the big stir of the war was a fascinating story.
    Sincere Regards, Brian Hampton

    1. William Peter Grasso

      I haven’t written anything about psyops into any of my stories, because, quite frankly, I know next to nothing about the subject. I would’ve endeavored to learn about it, but it never fit into any of the story lines. You’re right, though…I’m sure it would make a fascinating novel in the hands of a knowledgeable author.

  2. Greetings William,
    Keep up the good work! I’ve read all the books in all the series and I’m thrilled to see you’re working on a book 7! I feel like young Jif has a long career ahead of him so I’m hoping you’ll continue to follow it into the 80s and beyond. I’ll be interested how you take his growth after Vietnam as that seemed to be a rebuilding phase for the US Army after the draft. I was only 5 at the time so I wouldn’t know, but I look forward to your insight….

    1. William Peter Grasso

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the books, Eric. You’re right…Jif does have a long and interesting military career ahead of him. I suspect I’ll be writing of his continued adventures for years to come.
      Thanks for reading,

      1. Hi mate,
        absolutely love the Miles series and all the related others over the years. i think i read the last one (no bad troops) over a few days after it came out. keep up the great work it’s appreciated Wazza

        1. William Peter Grasso

          Thanks for the kind words, Wazza, and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the books. Stay tuned…there are more on the way. Book 7 in the Miles to Vietnam series will be out in December of this year (2024).

  3. Greetings William,
    What a great series! As a DMG graduate of the Field Artillery OCS (‘67-‘68) and a trained FO I know from whence you speak. A very precise, exacting line of work—you bet your bar every fire mission. I immediately went to the dark side however, and became an Army Aviator flying the Grumman OV-1 Mohawk for 775 hrs of combat in Vietnam. Most of the missions were in III Corps using infrared low-level at night. We searched for COSVN north of Tay Ninh many nights. Again, thanks so much for your excellent writing. Mike

    1. William Peter Grasso

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying it, Mike. It means so much to me when guys who know the score get where I’m coming from. I love that line “you bet your bar every fire mission.” Wish I’d used it.
      I regret not being able to elaborate on the work of the OV-1s in the series (other than a few casual references), but there was just no credible way to place one of my main characters onto the aircraft. I allow myself a little stretch of reality in Book 7 (due out the end of this year) when Jif helps out a pilot buddy by riding front seat in a YO-3A for a mission when his sensor operator gets a case of the punies. At least the equipment on that ship was a little less exotic than that on the Mohawk.
      Keep the faith, and thanks for reading,

  4. William-
    I’ve enjoyed the Miles to Vietnam series immensely & am heartened that a 7th book should be forthcoming towards the end of this year.

    My experience in more recent times was from the perspective of an enlisted person. That being said your stories ring true and jibes with what officers I know/knew experienced both in Vietnam and subsequently.

    Great too that Jifs career will continue after book 7.



    1. William Peter Grasso

      Jon, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Miles To Vietnam series…and yes, Book 7 is well on its way to an end-of-this-year release. The series has been a tremendous challenge–and a tremendous joy–to write. Since Jif is a fictional contemporary of mine, I look forward to new and exciting twists and turns in his career post-Vietnam.
      I was interested in your observations of officers with Vietnam and subsequent experience. As a civilian contractor during Desert Storm (flight crew member on civilian transport aircraft performing military service), I was amazed how much had changed for the better among the officer corps–but how some things had remained the same as I remembered from my own military time some twenty years before. It was uplifting to see how so many of the Vietnam vets–now colonels and generals–had learned the lessons of the past and brought the Army to a new level of competence and dedication.
      Thanks for reading,

  5. These are great, extremely readable novels which have great protaganists and a very, very good lead character: in fact there are more than one ‘main’ character in SGM Moon and Sylvie the spy, with Jifs’ father having quite the presence, too. Sadly, his mother is off-screen in this book – I really liked how her character was developed in the Jock Miles series set in W2…

    I look forward to Book 7 – and beyond! – of Jifs’ journey through his career, and life in general with hopeful story arcs involving the Moon brothers and Jifs’ mother…

    Thank you for the entertainment thus far, Mr Grasso: long may it continue!

    1. William Peter Grasso

      I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the series, John, a lot more is still to come: Miles to Vietnam Book 7 will be out in December of this year (2024).
      It’s funny you mention Jif’s mom, Jillian…I’ve missed her, too. But that’s one of the problems of an ensemble cast–not everyone fits into every story. She’ll be back, though, along with storylines involving the other female characters, like his sister Janey, Sylvie Bergerac, and even the new woman in his life, Marti Tanaka. There’s still a lot of ground to cover.
      As always, thanks for reading,

  6. Hey William

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your stuff. The whole Jock Miles series was incredible and was very sad when I finished it but the Jiff series is as good, if not better. Keep it coming as I’m sure you will. Looks like there are quite a few of us who are enjoying it immensely!

    1. William Peter Grasso

      Glad you’re liking it, Sev. There’s much more to come. Book 7 in the Miles To Vietnam series will be out in about a week. Thanks for reading. WPG

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